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Inclusive Excellence: Creating an Inclusive Climate

This workshop will help you create an inclusive climate. As you address difficult conversations in the workplace, this workshop helps you build skills to listen effectively, use inclusive language, and resolve conflict by developing a positive inclusive climate. There will be a focus on implicit bias/explicit bias as it affects how individuals interact with one another. This will be a highly interactive workshop that is skills oriented.

Women of Color Leaders Navigating Power and Politics

As a woman of color, how do you navigate power and politics to attain a leadership position in your organization? This workshop helps participants understand their strengths from their race and ethnic backgrounds and how to use their identities to their advantage. Unlike traditional leadership programs, this workshop focuses on the intersections of race and gender, and the challenges of systemic and structural barriers for women of color. This workshop teaches women of color to own their power and understand playing the “game” of politics and trusting one’s intuition.

Building Your Leadership Capacity: Finding Your Voice and Taking Risks

Women in academe are often marginalized because of their race and sex/gender identities. To be a leader, it is critical for women to “find their voice” and speak up to be heard in the workplace. Research shows that when women are assertive, they are considered aggressive, though when men are outspoken, they are considered assertive. Leadership is also about taking risks, and oftentimes it feels difficult to push through one’s fear, but it is necessary to increase leadership skills and opportunities. In this workshop, we will discuss and practice how to speak up in situations with different audiences. We will also set goals to develop leadership skills through risk-taking.

Postdoctoral Scholars: Developing Your Career Path

Many postdoctoral scholars enter their training expecting that they will become faculty however only a small percentage are able to attain this position. In this workshop, Dr. Belinda Huang, former executive director of the National Postdoctoral Association, discusses how postdoctoral scholars can use their training period to utilize the resources of professional associations and societies, find mentors to guide them, develop a career plan, and establish a network of professionals. Dr. Huang also shares expertise on women postdocs managing career life/balance, and how to navigate a higher education institution.

Additional Offerings include:

Networking and Finding a Mentor

Career Values and Career Mapping 

Public Speaking

Negotiating Your Salary

Developing Cultural Competence and Professional Etiquette

Understanding the diversity of the U.S. population will help you develop skills to interact and communicate with your professional colleagues. As you practice cultural humility and see a different perspective than your own, you will be successful in developing professional relationships. In this workshop you will develop self-awareness about interacting with diverse groups, the benefits of cultural competency, and effective communication.

The Invisible Minority

Understanding Asian American history, demographics, and future challenges is important to support this community. Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial or ethnic group in the U.S. from 2000 to 2060 and are projected to pass 35 million by 2060. The rise of Asian Hate/Violence which has increased exponentially since the Covid-19 pandemic and is connected to the history of Asian American immigration. Dr. Huang’s research and scholarship includes creating an inclusive climate for Asian Americans and developing Asian American senior leaders. 

I Deserve It: I Am Not an Imposter

Have you ever felt like an imposter? Sometimes we may doubt our accomplishments, feel inadequate, dwell on mistakes, and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud.” This has been described as the Imposter Syndrome. This workshop will cover what the Imposter Syndrome is, how it affects us, and offer some practical strategies for how to empower ourselves and reduce these tendencies. After explaining the causes of the Imposter Syndrome, Dr. Belinda Huang will give suggestions of how to overcome negative self-talk and workshop participants will have an opportunity to discuss their challenges.

Cultivating and Creating Career Success for Women in Academe

Women face myriad challenges navigating institutions and finding a pathway to career success. Research has shown women leave academe because they face structural and systemic barriers, isolation, and work-life/balance. This interactive workshop will address the leaky pipeline for women in academe, juggling work/life balance, and gender bias. The outcomes of this workshop are to create a community for women, discuss how to manage work/life balance and strategies for overcoming gender bias. 

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