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Advancing Postdoc Women Guidebook

The Advancing Postdoc Women Guidebook provides essential information on programs and resources available to postdoc women as they progress in their careers. Published by the National Postdoctoral Association, information collected from the Elsevier Advancing Postdoc Women survey, captured responses from 46 professional associations and societies about the programs and resources offered to postdoc women or women in general to enhance their advancement into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE) disciplines.

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The Changing Role of Women in Higher Education

Huang, B. (2017). Women of color advancing to senior leadership in U.S. academe. In Eggins, H. (Ed.). The changing role of women in higher education: Academic and leadership issues (pp. 155-172). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

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The Misrepresented Minority

Huang, B. (2013). From revolving doors and chilly climates to creating inclusive environments for pre-tenure Asian American faculty. In Museus, S., Maramba, D., & Teranishi, R., (Eds.). The misrepresented minority: New insights on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and their implications for higher education (pp. 266-280). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

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Raising Voices, Lifting Leaders: Empowering Asian Pacific Islander American Leadership in Higher Education 

Davis, G. & Huang, B. (2013). Raising voices, lifting leaders: Asian Pacific Islander American leaders in higher education. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

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